Good article TowerMan. Thanks for posting it. WTBTS=Mindcontrol (basic formula).
i just put a new article on my site called, "who molds your thinking?".
it is about the watchtower's use of brainwashing its members.
Good article TowerMan. Thanks for posting it. WTBTS=Mindcontrol (basic formula).
i just got through reading an article in the ny times web site on changes the vatican is considering making to their policy that was stated in texas over abuse trials recently.
it seems the wts is learning some tricks from the catholics.
the vatican is stating that when a case is 30 years old their should be a different way of handling it.
I just got through reading an article in the NY Times web site on changes the vatican is considering making to their policy that was stated in Texas over abuse trials recently. It seems the WTS is learning some tricks from the Catholics. The vatican is stating that when a case is 30 years old their should be a different way of handling it. They are considering making changes already. I found it to be interesting so I am posting a link to it. You may have to sign up, but it is free. Also you may have to search for the article. I tried to imbed the page for you to read but it just showed the sign up page which is what you will get when you go to this link. Sign up and it should take you to the article.
ok, now, it is time for a fluff thread.
what is your favorite candy?
my wife likes mounds.
Hershey's Kisses, Snickers, Reeses peanut butter cups, I'm addicted to Snickers icecream bars big time! We have an icecream machine at work and I have one every day faithfully!!! LOLOL
the 'awake' magazine never misses an opportunity to project the thought that.
the world is frightening - and hopeless.
the latest (oct.22,2002) is no excception.. on the final page inside, it quotes from a review of a book called "inviting disater -.
The WTS preaches that things sould never be taken out of context, yet they are the worst perpitrators of taking things out of context for their own purpose, to lead people astray. That statement in the Awake just shows they have no intention of changing and never will.
my name is cynthia... i have had depression as a child ( undiagnosed ) father was possibly bipolar and mother is depressive both journry into the org along with how the depression became a mental breakdown , which i thought was jehovah removing his spirirt.
my sruggle with the elders......and the many ways and people i sought help from.....well it is all a long story......... included in it.
jws i have known with mental health issues.......breakdowns.......psych docs have had discussed this with........ i would like to relate my story.....i was so ill..nearly catotonic i did not go to a hospital but if i relate how i was clear...... how i was afraid of crossing the street because the green light may have been really a red light and i was told so often by the elders that my thinking was wrong...... ie " they were showing love by isolating me ( a depressed person) because i needed to be active and i was not complying..they said they tried ll that they coudl when in reality it was i always i that reached out to them ( thinking they were chosen of god)...... well..i just gave a story is very long...i have been tenatious i read so much ( even before becoming a jw ) about depression and dysfunctional families... i was a teacher did not gte my ma ..people here know why i am sure..... well...before i write this story of mine...i would like to ask..if i can do it in intallments........those i relate my story to say i should write a book..........i am not " out of the woods yet" the way.......i came to the point that i could not leave my room..... i live in nyc and i was able to speak to bethel elders including g. gangus.... i was very sincere......naive idealistic.............i asked qiestions thinking that surly god understood ...that my motives were good... .
Hello Cynthia and welcome! Telling your story in parts is fine. Sometimes it is too overwhelming to relate in one posting so do it at your own pace. Tinkerbell is my wife and you will find she has had very similar circumstances as your own. Our e-mail is open and you may e-mail her whenever you feel like it. We have found this forum to be life saving to us. We are all victims of the WTS and all have different circumstances but the results have been the same, it has effected our emotions, and effected our relationships with our families still in the JW religion. We have learned to cope with these pressures by being able to vent here on this forum. Again, Welcome!!
poor tink had to be rushed to the hospital early this morning 2:00am.
she went to bed fine but after several hours of pain and discomfort it got so bad she woke me up.
she had severe chest pain and pain in the center of her shoulder blades.
Thank you all for your support for Tink and I. She's been feeling alot better today. She'll be following up on Monday with our regular doctor to set up an ultrasound for her gallbladder. Her younger brother talked to her last night about it. The same thing happened to him and it turned out to be gallstones which they removed with laproscopic surgery pretty easily. He was back up and around in two days. One thing worried me however and I do not know if it is related or a seperate issue. Her blood pressure was 60/40 early yesterday afternoon and hadn't gotten back up to more than 90/60 by the time we went home. Is that normal? She said her pressure has always been on the low side because she has always been enimic, usually no lower than 100/80. I asked the doctors about it and they are going to have our family doc discuss it with us and look into it seperatly. She is very tired, but I suppose thats to be expected. We really appreciate all your comments and concern...y'all are the best!
poor tink had to be rushed to the hospital early this morning 2:00am.
she went to bed fine but after several hours of pain and discomfort it got so bad she woke me up.
she had severe chest pain and pain in the center of her shoulder blades.
Hello everyone. Poor Tink had to be rushed to the Hospital early this morning 2:00am. She went to bed fine but after several hours of pain and discomfort it got so bad she woke me up. She had severe chest pain and pain in the center of her shoulder blades. I am fixin' to go back to the hospital (only 15 min's away) after getting some rest while they run tests. They have already ruled out heart attack, and are running more tests just to be positive. They said she might have had a glabladder attack or early signs of heart problems. I personnally feel it has been a very bad year for her and she has been under alot of stress and that she might have had pain related to that. I worry about her, she's such a hard fighter, but a person can only take so much. Thank you all for always listening and being the best friends anyone could have. I'll fill you all in as to how she is doing when I get home later. Hopefully she'll come back with me today.
and my heart is breaking!..we just had it confirmed today.
he has 9 months to live so they say.
among all the heartbreak and pain he is crying and begging me to go to the kingdom hall with him.
I am sorry to hear of your terrible news about your husband. Cancer is the worst news anyone can recieve. Tink lost her mom to cancer just three years ago. I have experienced loss of loved ones to cancer as well. No words ever seem to change things, but they are offered out of love. Hopefully you will have extended time with your hubby. Tinks mom went 4 years past the doctors predictions. We will both keep you and your husband in our thoughts and prayers.
do you remember how many people would buy a car, with service in mind?
i remember people talking about how not to buy a 2 door, because it is not as good for going out in service.
people would be looked down upon big time if they bought a sporty or compact car.
Musky said: CC, That is hard to believe that the circuit overseer would actually have the guts to get in someone elses car and turn the radio on, and make judgments.That would piss me off big time. Maybe next time he will go to a brother or sisters house and have a look around when theyre not there. Maybe check to see if theres anything ungodly around.
Yes it really happened. I had it happen to me twice by two different CO's. I didn't give a s%#$ so I let it go in one ear and out the other. Some of the other dubs had it happen to them also. It was when I was in my twenties so I think he figured that being young I was probably listening to "evil Rock& Roll"...he was right!
if you had so much money that you didn't have to work, how would you spend your time?
i will be back later to see what you have to say.
i am going to bed, having been up after my bed time.
Tink and I have talked alot about this as we play Ky Powerball often. If we get rich, we would give all our siblings money and a few friends also. Pay all our bills. Put a bunch into a money bearing account and live off the interest, buy new cars, start a wood working shop as a hobby, go on vacations.
Also Silentlambs would not have to worry about finances any longer.